The class of 2024 spent the last two days decorating the gym and preparing to host the 2023 prom. Please join us in the gym at 6:00 tonight (April 14) to admire their work and all the prom-goers as they show off their formal wear during Grand March.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Ferley
people supporting a scaffolding in the gym
photo of gym floor covered in black covering before decorations
two juniors working with Mylar balloons
Learning about types of sources.
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Urban
To give everyone a chance to dig out, we are going to cancel school for Wednesday, April 5. Stay safe and stay warm, everyone! We'll see you on Thursday.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Ferley
School will be dismissed today at 2:30 due to the storm. We will not have school tomorrow, April 4 due to this snow. Stay safe and stay warm, everyone!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Ferley
~UPDATE~ The Annual Fine Arts Fair will be held on Thursday April 6th from 5 pm to 7 pm. We invite you to attend and celebrate the arts here at Edgemont School! Students may take their artwork with them at the end of the show.
almost 2 years ago, Mycalynn Cortney
Fines Arts Fair April 6, 2023 5-7pm
Because of this incoming storm, we are going to reschedule our fine arts fair and senior experience exhibit until Thursday, April 6 from 6:00-8:00. We hope to see you then!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Ferley
We have the best kids ever!!! Seniors helping upper elementary with work!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Urban
seniors 1
seniors 2
seniors 3
The elementary Spanish classes will be making a craft that uses gallon jugs. If you have any empty gallon jugs that look like the one pictured please send them to school. We will start making our craft next week starting Monday and continuing through Thursday so if you have a milk jug before then please send them to school. Gracias for your support!
almost 2 years ago, Garland Wright
Got milk jugs?
Opening night of the play "Hard Luck" was a success,and played to a packed house. One more chance to see this production- Saturday, March 25- 7:00
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Hollenbeck
Opening Night! EHS presents Hard Luck 7:00 Friday and Saturday $7:00 Adults $6:00 students
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Hollenbeck
Hadley &Brendan
Don't miss the Edgemont High School play "Hard Luck". March 24 & 25 at 7:00 $7:00- Adults $6:00- students & Seniors
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Hollenbeck
Mack and Keaton
Cast is getting ready for this weekend's play "Hard Luck". Don't miss it! March 24 & 25 at 7:00
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Hollenbeck
Edgemont HS play
To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, students in elementary Spanish class studied Spanish vocabulary associated with the holiday. We also discussed some traditions surrounding St. Patrick’s Day, leading us to discuss rainbows. Everyone knows that if they can get to the end of a rainbow, there is a pot of gold waiting for them. The hard part is getting to that treasure. And despite our efforts, we never quite make it to the end of that rainbow. With that thought in mind, the Spanish class talked about the “treasures” they already have in their lives. They came up with quite an impressive list of things they find to be their “treasures.” The most common “treasures” students listed (in no particular order) were my community, my family, God, my animals, my pets, my school, my friends, my house, and my country. We, as a class, translated our “treasures” into Spanish. Students then wrote their treasures on slips of paper that served as rainbow beams, attaching them to a rainbow they had previously crafted. Check out the attached pictures of the students’ rainbows and their “treasures.” And thank you, Edgemont community, for being our students’ treasure! Happy Belated St. Patrick’s Day! P.S. Honorable mention to Braxton for her valiant effort at finding a rainbow. She once got very close to the end of a rainbow because she made her dad drive her there after picking her up from her grandpa's house. They were almost there, but then Braxton said she had to go home for supper, and they just ran out of time. Ain’t that how it goes! Keep chasing rainbows, Edgemont!
almost 2 years ago, Garland Wright
Students’ rainbows cover the back of the Spanish room.
An example of student work.
The girls show off their excellent work!
An example of student work.
The boys work on completing their rainbows.
A sample of student work.
Our list of “Tesoros”.
Braxton is still searching for that gold at the end of the rainbow. Unfortunately no luck yet.
Here we the kindergarteners’ treasures.
A musical group from Finland will be entertaining our students on Thursday, March 16 at 9:30 and 11:00. The name of the group is Okra Playground. They combine Finnish folk musice with a modern twist. The public is welcome to attend.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Hollenbeck
A day full of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). Edgemont middle school students attended the, Women in Science Conference, Tues., March 14th at the SD School of Mines.
almost 2 years ago, Math Department
hands-on learning
healthy lungs
core samples
The primary class did lots of activities with 100 for the 100th day of school on Monday, including: counting, sorting, and graphing 100 Fruit Loops, making a 100 piece trail mix, reading 100 books, and solving math mysteries with 100.
almost 2 years ago, Susan Ostenson
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
Working on angles today!!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Urban
a 1
Part 2 - Check out the rest of the photos from this Winter. We hope you have a great Spring! Go Moguls! Keep up the great work!
almost 2 years ago, Garland Wright
Garrett competes as a wrestler in AAU and wear a medal from the Crawford Tournament.
Oakley shows off her medal from wrestling in Crawford.
Keaton demonstrates how to drive stick shift for his Speech class.
Staff attends Emotional Poverty training.
Edgemont AAU Wrestlers dog pile!
Spanish students celebrate finding the gingerbread man.
Students enjoy a breakfast potluck in the armory.
Students enjoy breakfast with one another.
Elementary Spanish classes celebrate finding gingerbread men.
Landon Harrod plays the bass and the recent All State Middle School Orchestra in Sioux Falls.
Congratulations! You survived Spring Forward and the first day of the last quarter of the year! Hard to believe our SENIORS have only one quarter left of their Edgemont School Career. We hope they cherish all their school lasts, and we hope you can come to see their Senior Projects at this year’s Fine Arts Fair. Come check out student art, music, and Senior Projects on April 3, 2023, from 6-8 pm.  To celebrate the new quarter, please enjoy some photos from last quarter. Congrats, Senior Class of 2023! Keep up the hard work. One more quarter!  PART 1 - Check out part 2 for more photos.
almost 2 years ago, Garland Wright
Speech Class learn all the rules of table ettiqutte.
Speech students learned how to use their napkin to signal they are finished eatting.
CSC Teacher Intern Calyn Degnan teachers students the difference in types of forks.
Ms. Calyn teaches students how to use different types of dinner knives.
Mrs. Wright and her student aide, Kaylei accidentally dress the same on a late start day.
Senior Emily demonstrates how to make different kinds of curls for her Speech class.
FFA Advisor, Mr. Joseph works with high school freshmen on their CDE projects.
Hadley and Serenity add a new dance move to the classic Waltz their learning as part of their etiquette course.
Best buddies and teammates practice the Waltz.
Kaitlin and Tavi master the art of the Waltz.
We celebrated the 100th day of school with a concert. Our elementary students demonstrated their progression of learning, from their rhythm skills, to reading music, to playing recorders, and finally, playing popular music in the guitar. The audience even participated for the final number to ensure there were 100 instruments playing at once.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Ferley
the recorder band
setting up the 100-instrument band
Boomwhacker players demonstrating their music reading skills
Musicians demonstrating their tempo skills