About our program:
Amy Ferley: Superintendent/Co-Special Education Director (amy.ferley@k12.sd.us)
Connie Gorsuch: Co-Special Education Director/Case Manager (connie.gorsuch@k12.sd.us)
Mycalynn Cortney: Case Manager (mycalynn.cortney@k12.sd.us)
Kaytlyn Parks: Case Manager (kaytlyn.parks@k12.sd.us)
Christy Schaffan: Speech Language Pathologist
Michelle Lehman: Occupational Therapist
Katie Johnson: Physical Therapist
Dottie Clark: Behavior Counselor (in partnership with West River Mental Health)
This is our Comprehensive Plan, which includes the formally adopted policies and procedures related to meeting the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Here is a copy of the South Dakota Parental Rights and Procedural Safeguards.
If you need more information about parental rights, please follow this link to find additional resources.
How to access our special services programs:
Are you concerned about your child's progress in the classroom? Are you concerned that your child may have a learning disability, but you are not sure what steps to take to get supports for your child's learning? We have a procedure for that!
Please speak with your child's teacher about your concerns. The teacher may refer your child to the SAT (Student Assistance Team) Process. in this process, the SAT team, a team of multi-disciplinary teachers and administrators creates a plan with interventions and supports for your child. Based on the success of these interventions, further interventions or supports may be implemented, or your child may be referred on for testing for special education supports or a 504 Plan. See below for a visual of the process.
If you would like to refer your student to the SAT (Student Assistance Team) Process, please fill out the Parent Referral Form and submit it to the office. We will get that form to the Student Assistance Team to begin the process.