We concluded Read Across America Week with a whole school reading activity. Middle and high school students were paired with elementary students and spent half an hour reading books to each other 🧡 We love the reading culture in our school!
2 days ago, Samantha Miller
macy and isabella
weston and jaydon
lexi and chet
sage and emma
cece and hadley
ralph and levi
norah and kaylee
syd and jules
Good Morning Mogul Family! This is an invitation for our Elementary Instrumental Concert today at 3pm. The students have been working hard and cant wait to show you what they have learned in Mrs. Hollenbeck's Music class. Hope to see you there!
3 days ago, Bethany Hirschfeld
Join the adventure as the primary learners complete exciting missions to earn vital clues and uncover the mystery of where Zero the Hero has been taken! With each task completed, they’ll unlock more information, but time is running out—if the challenges aren’t finished, the 100th day of school may never happen. The clock is ticking—can they save Zero and bring the celebration to life?
5 days ago, Terri Brown
classmates with badges
classmates with badges
spy headquarters spelled out on white board
shadow of man on smartboard screen
message on white board
Next week is Read Across America Week. We have many plans to celebrate reading. We will be dressing up. (See the picture). Please remember to follow school dress code.
8 days ago, Primary Class
Poster describing dress up days for the week
The Primary Class has been learning about light and sound. They have been conducting experiments with how light and sound move. They reflected light using mirrors. They also found that sound can move through solids, liquids, and air. They also practice communicating using only light.
9 days ago, Primary Class
Two boys with mirrors to reflect light
A girl with her head against the table
Boy with string in ears with a hangar on it
a girl with string around his head
a girl with string around his head
Four boys with heads on table
Five kids using tuning forks in water
Boy with string in ears with a hangar on it
Girl with string in ears with a hangar on it
We celebrated FFA Week (a week late due to weather!) with Ag Olympics in the high school. We had wheelbarrow races - seniors won! And we played egg roulette - juniors won! FFA students also cooked teachers breakfast today to show their appreciation. Thank you to Mr. Joseph for being a great FFA leader! We appreciate all that you do for our chapter!!
9 days ago, Samantha Miller
Raelee and Allie
Eggs one
There has been an update on Breakfast for tomorrow morning. We will be serving Strawberry Mini Bagel, Yogurt, Applesauce, and choice of Juice or Milk. Breakfast is served from 7:30am until 7:50am.
11 days ago, Bethany Hirschfeld
Lady Moguls are heading to White River today to compete in Regionals!
11 days ago, Bethany Hirschfeld
Game Day
Love Trivia? The Igloo bar is hosting Trivia night to help support Post Prom on Friday, March 14th.
12 days ago, Bethany Hirschfeld
Trivia Night
Just a reminder that if you would like to purchase JH basketball sports photos or Group photos please turn in photo packets asap. If you do not have a packet, please contact Mrs. Miller or the school office.
13 days ago, Bethany Hirschfeld
Hello again, Moguls! I sure hope we are looking at warmer weather! We have some updates and reminders about our schedule this weekend: Today, Feb. 20: Parent-Teacher Conferences (K-5 have been scheduled, 6-12 from 4-8) Today, Feb. 20: Parent Night/Last Home BB games vs. Takini, JV games start at 4:00 Friday, Feb. 21: Boys and Girls BB at Harding County, 12:00 Saturday, Feb. 22: JH BB in Hermosa, 10:00 and 1:00 Saturday, Feb. 22: HS Girls BB at Hot Springs, JV game at noon Monday, Feb. 24: MS BB vs. RCC, 4:00 Tuesday, Feb. 25: HS GBB at Regions, place and time TB
16 days ago, Amy Ferley
Good morning, Moguls Between the cold weather and being short staffed, we are going to cancel classes today. We will still have practices this afternoon. Please be in contact with your coaches about times. Stay warm, stay safe!
17 days ago, Amy Ferley
Hi again, Moguls! Because of the cold and wind predicted for tomorrow, we will plan on a 10:00 start. The music contest that was scheduled for tomorrow has been canceled, so we'll plan to see everyone in class!
18 days ago, Amy Ferley
Hi Moguls, Tonight's high school girls basketball game has been rescheduled for Saturday, Feb. 22, at noon in Hot Springs. We will not play our junior high game tonight. When we confirm a reschedule date, we'll share that out!
18 days ago, Amy Ferley
Hi Moguls! It doesn't look like it's going to get any warmer or like the wind will go down. Because of the cold, we are canceling school today. When we get games rescheduled, we'll let you know! Stay safe and stay warm!
19 days ago, Amy Ferley
Hi Moguls, Due to the predicted cold temperatures, we will start school tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 10:00 am. Stay safe and stay warm!
19 days ago, Amy Ferley
Spring Break is already here? Sure wish that the weather would agree! This is just a reminder that there will be no school tomorrow 2/17. Normal school schedule will resume on Tuesday 2/18. Parent teacher conferences have been scheduled for grades K-5 for this Thursday 2/20. Please check backpacks for letters regarding conference times. If you have any questions regarding conferences, please email your child's teachers or call the school office.
20 days ago, Bethany Hirschfeld
Thursday our seniors carried out the tradition of handing out carnations for Valentine's Day! They sold 400 flowers during the week and handed them out to students and staff to spread some cheer. We hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
21 days ago, Samantha Miller
Jayla with flowers
Sage and Harper
In science recently, one group of our Primary Class has been practicing their engineering skills. They were posed with a problem to build a raft for a fictional worm. It had to float, be big enough, and have some sort of safety feature. They followed the design process to plan, build a model, test, and improve their rafts.
24 days ago, Primary Class
Girl building with popsicle sticks
Boy building with popsicle sticks
Boy building a small raft with sticks
Girl building with popsicle sticks
Boy floating a small raft made out of popsicle sticks
Girl floating a small raft made out of popsicle sticks
Girl floating a small raft made out of sticks
Boy floating a small raft made out of popsicle sticks & tin foil
Girl floating a small raft made out of popsicle sticks
only 1 day left to get your flowers! contact a senior or Mrs. Hollenbeck at the school.
24 days ago, Mrs. Hollenbeck
Val 2